All I can say is that I love this quote...although I can't take credit for it...
(I think I read it on twitter)...
(I think I read it on twitter)...
"dream + desire + devotion + drive + diligence + determination = destination"
Short & Sweet... and said so very well...
All things we do in life can be summed up in these "Seven" words.
It all starts with a DREAM...a wish, a hope, or a wild fantasy for something we long for... each & everyone of us has "Our Dreams".
If we want "Our Dreams" to come true, we must have a strong DESIRE to...
"Make It Happen".
we can't just "WISH" for something to happen...
This path requires us to have...
DEVOTION in our lives...spirituality helps keep us find peace on the path to "Our Destination".
DILIGENCE...ahhh...perserving through all of the ups & other words hard-work...we all know that nothing in life is EASY.
DETERMINATION...a firmness of purpose...resolving to approach the task with enthusiasm & energy.
And finally...
We will arrive at our...
DESTINATION..."Our Ultimate Goal"...the reward for all the hard work we did to get to...
"Our Destiny".
"Our Destiny".
So, off I go...armed with all the words I need to get started...
Ahhhhhh "To be young again".
Wishing on a star,
Kathleen Sforza
Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310
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