Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas...A Time To Give...

Everyday I drive the same route to work & I've noticed that on certain days there is a very long line outside this one place.

Every time I pass...I wonder...What is that line for ???

Last week, on the way to work, I decided to stop & find out why.

When I got to the door, I realized that it was a food pantry.

I knocked on the door & a woman came to the door. I recognized her immediately (I had gone to her yard sale a few weeks ago). I said "I know you...I purchased a few things from you at your yard sale." At the yard sale, we had discussed her organization & how she wanted to rent the deli next to my store (Staten Island is such a small place).

She then showed me the food pantry. The shelves were bare & I asked what type of food they needed. She told me that at this time of the year...canned soups, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned tuna & chicken, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, cereal, & pasta are in demand. Each of these items can provide a meal...Soup & Crackers, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Tuna or Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Cereal, etc....

On the drive back to the store, it really distressed me that I am always so worried about everything, but food in my home is plentiful. It saddened me that some people had to worry about food & how to pay for it & feed their families. When I got to the store, I told my sister, Lorraine, about the food pantry. While we were decorating the store for Christmas, Lorraine & I continued to talk about the food pantry & the economy in general. It scares both of us to think that this great nation we live falling on such hard times. We decided that we needed to do something to help fill those shelves with food. My sister & I brainstormed & we thought that our store "Town & Country Gifts" would be a perfect drop off center for food donations for the food pantry. This time of the year is a busy time for us & it would make sense for our store to collect food for those less fortunate.

So...for the next 12 days, we will be collecting food for the:

which provides emergency food supplies (three days' food once a month) to low-income persons. This is a "customer choice" style in which recipients select their groceries in a comfortable & dignified setting.

And in the spirit of giving...

With every drop off for the food pantry, we will put your name in a raffle drawing...We will raffle off three prizes...

A Cheerful Giver...Keeper's of the Light Juicy Apple Candle
Retail Value $25.00

A Bracelet
Retail Value $25.00

Picture to Follow...

An Annalee "Wannabe A Gingerbread" Elf
Retail Value $25.00

The first winner will have first choice.

The second winner will have a choice of the remaining two.

And the third winner will have the remaining item.

Drop-Off will start:
Thursday, December 8th through Sunday, December 18th.
The winners will be drawn on Sunday, December 18th.

Here is a list of must need items:
Canned Soups
Boxed Macaroni & Cheese
Canned Vegetables
Canned Tuna
Canned Chicken
Canned Fruits
Peanut Butter
Boxed Pasta

Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year & the older my sister & I get, the more we realize that we get more pleasure in giving than receiving. So this season, we would like to give the gift of food to those who are not as fortunate as us. Please help us make this Christmas special to those who are in need.

Please drop-off at our store:
Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue (West Brighton corner Taylor Street)
Staten Island, NY 10310
Holiday Store Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10:30 until 5:00, Sunday 12:00 until 4:00

In the Spirit of Giving,
Kathleen Sforza
Lorraine Sforza Razzano

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Kathleen Rose's Collection (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an eBay Store)

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories By Ashley Rae

Thursday, November 24, 2011


The 2nd annual Small Business Saturday, November 26th 2011...

Small businesses are the backbone of this country, most work hard & struggle to survive & they need to be supported by their local communities. American Express is asking millions of people to shop small at their favorite local stores and help fuel the economy. We're hoping that our family & friends will help support all the small businesses here in Staten Island...because like American Express states "When we all shop small, it will be huge."


Last year our local cable television station NY1 found our store on the internet.  Here's the link:
NY1 Shop Small Business Saturday at Town & Country Gifts & here is the blog post that led them to our store...

The Following is a REPOST:

AMEX...Small Business Saturday, November 27th 2010...

Of course, as the owner of a small business, I am embracing this...It has been a tough go for many of us during this "Great Recession". I am always an optimist & I want to think that all is well, but it has been and it still is a scary situation for many of us. In order to succeed...I must run a lean, mean, operating machine. And when all is said & done, it will be a matter of "Survival of the Fittest".

The small business owner in me knows that this time of the year is crucial to my survival as a retailer...but the spiritual human being in me knows the true meaning of Christmas. It is a wonderful, magical time of year "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

I must put my faith in God that all will be fine & that things are as they should be. So, as the season of Advent begins...I will try to remember that...

JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON

Keeping Christ in Christmas...
Kathleen Sforza

Kathleen Rose's Collection (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an eBay Store)

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories By Ashley Rae

Sunday, November 20, 2011

12 Days/Months of Christmas...

The Twelve Months of Christmas

When you live retail...your year revolves around Christmas. There is a song the Twelve Days of Christmas, but I have my own song the Twelve Months of Christmas.

On the first month of Christmas...JANUARY

The new year has arrived & you may still have a tree or two around the store with a 50% or maybe a 75% OFF sign. The first trade show of the year is in Atlanta GA. & guess what you buy...CHRISTMAS for the following year!!!

On the second month of Christmas...FEBRUARY

You've been a little lazy or a snowstorm has caused you to close your store, but get your boots's time to go to the NY TOY FAIR & guess what you're buying...CHRISTMAS !!!

On the third Month of Christmas...MARCH

You start receiving panicked phone calls from some of your vendors "YOU NEED TO GET YOUR CHRISTMAS ORDERS IN, IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THE DATING PROGRAM".

On the fourth Month of Christmas...APRIL

More panicked phone calls..."CHRISTMAS ORDERS NEED TO BE IN STAT !!!" (but, I think I still have one tree left up from last year, oh well...maybe I'll just leave it up & no one will notice).

On the fifth Month of Christmas...MAY

Flowers are starting to bloom CHRISTMAS orders are arriving at the store. Where will I put all the boxes ??? What was I thinking ???

On the sixth Month of Christmas...JUNE

Time to start planning our CHRISTMAS in July sale.

On the Seventh Month of Christmas...JULY

You know "CHRISTMAS in July" Sale !!!

On the Eighth Month of Christmas...AUGUST

It's back to the trade shows the NY GIFT FAIR & last minute decisions on what to bring in for you know...CHRISTMAS.

On the Ninth Month of Christmas...SEPTEMBER

Time to start planning the Christmas displays, go over orders & the bulk of CHRISTMAS orders are arriving daily. What was I thinking ??? & how am I going to pay for this stuff ???

On the Tenth Month of Christmas...OCTOBER

Let the decorating begin. Customers start asking have the CHRISTMAS Annalees arrived yet, when will the Byers' Carolers be in, etc. ???

On the Eleventh Month of Christmas...NOVEMBER

The Annual "Holiday Open House". The CHRISTMAS season has arrived & every one's complaining that we retailers are pushing the season. THANKSGIVING HASN"T EVEN ARRIVED YET !!! they scream. I know, I know, but we are grossly understaffed (a staff of two me & my sister, Lorraine). & I really need to start early so that I will be able to keep my eyes open when CHRISTMAS finally does arrive.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...DECEMBER

The rush of the season, when we hope that we made the right decisions. That everything will sell & customers will like our assortments. All the while, we are hoping that we can pay all our bills & survive to see another CHRISTMAS.

But, when I sit & really reflect on CHRISTMAS, it is & it will always be about CHRIST & the true meaning of CHRISTMAS & how I should live it each day of the of the year. I will try to remember like the 12 days of CHRISTMAS song that...

1 True Love refers to God.

2 Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments.

3 French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues.

4 Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists.

5 Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace.

6 Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation.

7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments.

8 Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes.

9 Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

10 Lords A-leaping refers to the ten commandments.

11 Pipers Piping refers to the eleven faithful apostles.

12 Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed.

Living, Breathing, & Decorating Christmas 12 Months a Year,
Kathleen Sforza

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Kathleen Rose's Collection (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an eBay Store)

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories By Ashley Rae

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Family Fun & Fabulous Finds All For $40.00...

This past weekend...
my mom...Jeanette,
my sister...Lorraine,
my niece... Emily,
my nephew...Stephen,
& I spent the weekend shopping.
Not your typical Mall shopping...
something much more fun & fabulous...

"Vintage Shopping" !!!

Where the unexpected find turns into one of our "Favorite Finds".


A Fabulous Fall Find...Copper Pitcher, Planter, & Cups...Cost $15.00

Emily's Find...Brand New White Jacket (tags on) $5.00 & a Betsy Johnson Handbag...$5.00

Stephen's Find...NY Giants Christmas Ornaments (brand new in box & selling on eBay for $29.99)...50 cents.

Mom Jeanette's Find...Roger's Silverplated Flatware (like new in wood box)...$10.00.

Lorraine's Finds...Sterling Silver Western inspired cowboy boot pendant, earrings, bracelets...$5.00.

Living...laughing & having fun shopping for "Our Treasures".

Building Memories,
Katheen Sforza

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Kathleen Rose's Collection (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an eBay Store)

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories By Ashley Rae

Saturday, September 24, 2011

We're Pickers...We're Junkers...We're Treasure Hunters !!!

We're Pickers...

We're Junkers...

We're Treasure Hunters...

Roaming the Town...& the Country too !!!

Rummaging in attics

& basements too !!!

Mixing the "OLD"

with the "NEW"

After all...It's what we do

trying to make a buck or two.  ;)

Kathleen Sforza
Lorraine Sforza Razzano

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Kathleen Rose's Collection
Lorraine's Favorite Finds

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories by Ashley Rae

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Moment...8:46 am...9/11/2001

Watching the memorial today made me realize that in
"One Moment" life can change.

8:46 on 9/11/2011 was one of those moments.

I think I cried for over 4 1/2 hours & it is through tears that I wrote this blog.

I so remember that day. As I'm sure most everyone does.

A "Picture Perfect" morning

that by afternoon was cloaked in a "Veil of Sadness".

The sadness surrounding us was so surreal.

It was...

A day spent in suspense...

A week that quickly turned into months & then years spent weeping...

I remember...

As the days, weeks, & months went on....not a day went by when I did not hear a story of  "Tragedy" or "Miracle" that occurred that day.

People who worked there & then for some reason were delayed & were spared tragedy. To those who were not supposed to be there that day, but for some reason were & lost their lives.

On that tragic day...I learned that...

I have to remember that life should be lived in moments. I shouldn't spend all my moments worrying about the past & the future. Mistakes I made in the past cannot be changed. I can only learn from them. Worrying about the future does no good. So today, I am thankful for the life I have & I will be sure to give a hug & a kiss & tell someone that I love them.

For I am sure that all those who lost someone that day would give anything to have one more moment to hug & kiss & say those three special words "I LOVE YOU"...

Trying to Live in the "MOMENT",
Kathleen Sforza

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Kathleen Rose's Collection (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an Etsy Shoppe)

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories by Ashley Rae

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day...My Store...My Labor of Love

Well...It is "Labor Day Weekend" & I am spending it at my store...

I'd love to say that everything is "Honky Dory", but truth be told...

Things are tough !!!

The economy "SUCKS"

Yeah, there I said it...

I "HATE" putting all that negativity into the atmosphere.

I've always been a firm believer in putting "The Secret" out there.

And now that it's out out there, I have some decisions to make...

FIRST let me tell you that...

Operating a brick and mortar store today is becoming an impossible task.

Expenses are high...Landlords think that there properties are "GOLD"...not to mention all the other EXPENSES.

When I look around, I see so many empty storefronts & it makes me "SAD".   :(

It makes neighborhoods look so depressed.

What are the solutions ???

I wish I knew...

I'm way "TIRED" of trying to think outside the box


is closing in on me !!!

But, I am having a...

One that my sister, Lorraine, & I have been contemplating for awhile now...

Just the other day Lorraine received her "Top-rated seller" Certificate in the mail (I'll photograph hers tomorrow).


After much searching...(I received mine some time last year), I found mine buried under an avalanche of paperwork.

Lorraine's is hanging on the refrigerator...

so that her family will see that she actually "DOES WORK" & I am going to hang mine front & center at the store.

In additon to being "Top-rated sellers", Lorraine & I are also...

So, here comes the...

(drum roll please...)

  On September 20th, 2011 (our store's 24th Anniversary), we will become an...

We will help YOU sell your "TREASURES".
Our expertise will help YOU get the best price for your items. 

 And here's our other 


If you have lots & lots of  "TREASURES" to sell.  Lorraine & I will host a SALE for you in "Your Home".  As soon as we brainstorm together, we'll fill you in on

Feeling much better know that I have thought "Outside the Box" & now I am going to enjoy the rest of this BEAUTIFUL "Labor Day Weekend" with my 

 "Friends & Family"

Always Looking Forward & Never Looking Back,
Kathleen Sforza
Lorraine Sforza Razzano

and if all else fails...

we will have to turn to this...


Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Kathleen Rose's Collection (an eBay Store)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (an eBay Store)

Lorraine's Favorite Finds
Accessories By Ashley Rae

Thursday, July 28, 2011

INSPIRATION...Where does it come from ???

For me...


from a email chain letter !!!

That's right...

One of those dreaded email chain letter that someone is always sending you.

This one courtesy of my sister, Lorraine. ;)

I usually delete without even opening, but for some reason...
this time I felt compelled to open it.

So here it goes...

A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package:

'This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package.'

He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.

'She got this the first time we went to New York, 8 or 9 years ago.
She has never put it on, was saving it for a special occasion.'

'Well, I guess this is it.'

He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died.

He turned to me and said:

'Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion'.

I still think those words changed my life.

Now I read more and clean less.

I sit on the porch without worrying about........ANYTHING.

I spend more time with my family, and less at work.

I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through.

I no longer keep anything.

I use crystal glasses...every day.

I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket,
if I feel like it.

I don't save my special perfume for special occasions,
I use it whenever I want to.

The words 'SOMEDAY....' and 'ONE DAY...'
are fading away from my dictionary.

If it's worth seeing, listening or doing,
I want to see, listen or do it......NOW.

I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't be there the next morning, this nobody can tell.

I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.

She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels.

I'd like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favorite food.

It's these small things that I would regret not doing,
if I knew my time had come..

Each day, each hour, each minute, IS SPECIAL.

Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no-one.

Of course, it goes on to tell me to send it to xxxx number of people.
I almost did that...but instead it became my inspiration.

Inspiration to Live Life via a chain letter,
Kathleen Sforza

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

Websites: (an eBay Store) (an eBay Store) (an Etsy Shoppe)


Monday, June 27, 2011

Something Old...Something New...Something Borrowed...Something Blue...Bridal Showers

The gifts are all wrapped...

The tables are set...

 Friends have all gathered...

 & the bride's seat awaits...

The Bride Has Arrived...

& "The Seat" has been filled..there are gifts to be opened...

With Many an Oohh & Aahh...

The Flower Girl whispers
Julie "Loves" her gift...

A Grandmother's Love
Tears of Joy...

With Aprons for the Kitchen...

& Nightgowns for the... :)

The "Happy Couple"...

 & the "Bridesmaids" are...

Waiting for the Day...
When the Happy Couple both say...

"I DO"

Visit our eBay Store

We have some "Fab Finds" for Brides-To-Be.

Like these Cake Stands:

Cupcake Holder

 Picnic Basket

Picture Frame

For the Gardener Bride...
This Flower Plant Stand

All of the above are available here: 

Aunt Kathy

Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310



Thursday, June 9, 2011

EVERYBODY...Let's Party !!! Dance !!! and Sing !!!

So much to do...

So little time...

This seems to be the mantra for the past month...

BUT...this week took the CAKE !!!

This past week...has been one BIG PARTY WEEK !!!

It started with Memorial Day Weekend, Fun, FUN
(we'll post some pics) on our sister blog:

Then it was a surprise "50th Birthday Party" for my Brother Louis...

Followed by a "21st Birthday Party" for my niece Ashley...

Alexis...Ashley *THE BIRTHDAY GIRL* and Alyssa

Loving the Cake...Ashley is now "LEGAL" to Drink...

A Pre-Prom Party ??? for my niece Alyssa...

Dad "JOE"...Alyssa "PROM READY"...Mom "LORRAINE"

Alyssa and her date Sal

A Graduation Dinner for my Sister-in-Law Denise...

Yaaaaayy Congratulations !!!!


Denise...Picture Perfect for Graduation...

Perfect Pic to Frame...

A Graduation from High School for my niece Alyssa...

Alyssa...Heading Off to Graduation Her Ceremony...

High School Friends are:



A Birthday Party for my nephew Stephen who turned 9...

Stephen's 9th Birthday...

I've attended 6 Parties in 8 Days.

I'm pooped and my pocketbook is EMPTY !!!   ;)

but I did have a good time shopping with my sister Lorraine and my niece Julie for vintage items for our store...

where we'll post some pics of our "FINDS".

Always want to be the "Life of the Party" and not the "Party Pooper",
Kathleen Sforza

Town and Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310

