Our "Security Guard"
Back from my weekend in the Catskills, NY {now known as the Hudson Valley}. What a beautiful weekend! Weather was perfect!
Perfect Home!!!
Bungalow looked as though it needed a good cleaning, but the weather was too beautiful to be spent indoors.
Arrival Time: Friday evening about 8:00 pm. First stop Emmanuel's in Stone Ridge for food for the weekend. Love this store! Sooo quaint. I want to buy everything.
Up by 6:00 am on Saturday. Why is it that I have so much energy and can get up bright & early on my days off, but on work days I am exhausted and can barely get my butt out of bed? Go figure!!!
Off to the thrift shop & Salvation Army in New Paltz with my Mom & Dad. (I don't understand "WHY" ??? my Dad wants to go. He gets out of the car, goes in the shop for approximately 5 minutes and then asks for the keys to go sit in the car). I think he thinks he is missing something.
Along the way we stopped at every yard sales. Some good and some not so good. All in all, I 'Love' this weekend.
Stopped at a garage sale in New Paltz. with a spectacular view of the mountain. Gentleman told me it was his parents home and now his. He showed me where his childhood swing set was and OMG a view you could die for!!!
Drove for many country miles...
Followed signs for a yard sale "Sale of the Century" Over 40 years accumulation.
OMG...Adrenaline Rush.
Arrive to a sale that was beyond words...What!!! Like the woman walking past me said..."I passed up all the good yard sales to come to...THIS!!!
Horrible! Guy sleeping on a lounge chair surrounded by old books and magazines. I guess this was his idea of 40 years of accumulation. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture...but you get the picture. UHGGGG!!!!
Next day my sister arrives and off we go to High Falls Flea Market. The market is every Sunday from May til October. We purchased a few items, had a burger & soda (barbecue by the local church yum...) & then headed home for our own barbecue where we were the 'Chefs' and 'Waitresses' and ' Busboys' and 'Dishwashers'.
The next day, I decided to start gardening. Cleaning up the leaves left from the fall and trying to plant in soil that is very very rocky. {It takes me a long time to just plant one 1 gallon perennials.} I am so sorry that when I started gardening fifteen years ago, that I didn't raise all my beds and have soil delivered. Anyway, I have to deal with what I've got.
It is very hard to plant in upstate NY. My plants are gourmet meals for deer and every other animal. See photos. Soooo cute, but very destructive. I'm hoping that when I get back this plant will have survived. You'd never know that I have been gardening for 15 years. Fifty percent of what I plant the deer eat!!!!
and Dinner...
I hope these last thru the week!!!
But, I am always up for a challenge...
Happy Gardening!!!
Kathleen Sforza
http://www.kathleenrosescollection.com/ (an eBay Store)
i loved reading this and hearing about your weekend. oh how i love it up there! I wish i could have been on the hunt with you and lorraine! By the way - you have a new career blooming as a photographer...great photos! i can take a day off so we can all get together. i will come to SI or you guys can come to NJ!