Today a woman came to my store {not all that unusual}. She was an older woman...still nothing unusual...she told me & my sister Lorraine that she had traveled from Ronkonkoma, Long Island to Staten Island by train, subway, ferry, & bus...UGGGGGHHHH what a looooonnnngggg commute. That trip probably took a minimum of a couple of hours. She was surprising a friend at work (who, unfortunately, was not there)...so she stopped at our store.
This woman was so full of life. Now, here is the part that surprised us...she is 80 years old !!! OMG...Where did all this energy & excitement come from??? My sister & I asked her what her secret was & she told us...
Live Life Passionately...
You must...
Put God first...
Then yourself...
and then those you Love.
These words, from a woman we had just met, touched both me & my sister.
We vowed...that we too...from this day forward...to live life with passion.
Passionately Living Life,
Kathleen Sforza
Town & Country Gifts
1213 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310
eBay Store:
Kathleen Rose's Collection (new items)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds(vintage, retro, & antique items)
Lorraine's Favorite Finds
The Savvy Sisters
Accessories By Ashley Rae
What a great lady! We all need to remember that everyday!